Friday, June 26, 2009

Unknown Ottoman

The Ottoman State was covering a massive 14 million square kilometers and in four continents geographically, various faiths and races of people. Ottomans ruled these millions of people and lands which made up 33 countries today with a perceptive, discerning; wise and virtue that lasted 623 years presence in the world, this is unprecedented and nothing like it in the history of mankind.

Except Ottomans, all states on the earth made their fortune with destruction, Slavery and plunder while the development of Ottoman, it’s justice, scientific progress, culture and art even today is not fully understood.

Among the Architecture works of the Ottomans, some top works like the salatin mosques, stone bridges, castles and Kervan saraylar to bird houses, many works of art was created with the fine art reached to it’s limits for hundreds of years; fineness explored the peaks of elaborate, thin and golden in that slice of time.

What are the secrets of Ottomans allowed them to balance these empire that spans four continents and lasted 623 years and what are the lessons today’s empires can learn? To understand Ottoman, one must recognize his works; examine the rich culture and knowledge, heritage and the art of balance.

Today we don’t even know how to replace a falling stone from a Ottoman structure properly right or imitate those works of arts; Those buildings could only have been made with the heavens aid and creators inspiration. Their virtues and values we are still not certain but the foreign art collectors have no doubt understanding their values and they are paying top dollar and taking them away to their land.

It’s not the bookworms eaten old hand written books. Ottoman textiles torques blue and ruby red still alive, chain armors, steel swords are not rusting, tiles are not fading, architecture manuments fighting to earthquakes, natural disasters, fires, enduring for hundreds of years, diamond roofing curves intersecting in space and no one even knows the math behind them.

Marble, timber, glass, tiles, stones, bricks, mosques, bridges constructed middle of the night, and construction of the bridges is still a mystery. Miniscriptures painted with brushes finer than eyelash and hand written scriptures we can not unlocked the meaning of them, secret is safe. How to build giant canons or how to move a navy over a mountain, still a secret.

Art, Architecture of the monuments, scriptures, imperial orders, miniscriptures to cannons, poems, Turkish music poetry literature and every art and craft, their wit and fineness, elegancy is the result of a high Islamic moral reflection. Because, that civilization; had their wealthy compassionate , their pashas was knowledgeable and perceptive, discerning; sharp and had the outstretched arm, their scholars was knowing , man had self esteem , woman had chastity, purity, virtue, kids was obeisant, respectful. Poor had honor, pride, dignity …

This civilization gained such a meaning, sense of the spirit, originality in 650 years….
Ottoman society structure succeeded worldly and otherworldly balance between individuals and the god’s ideal.
Every good thing had been done on the earth in the name of humanity, their labor and efforts can be seen.

Today, albeit rare, we hear defamation about Ottomans, we must regret these western rubbish about them, Show your reaction as any other royal family under defamation, whether be Queen of England or king of Thailand for none accomplished any of the things Ottomans accomplished for humanity or for the duration.
They were the defenders of Islamic land and civilization, the humanity and dignity and morals and ideals, justice for the weak, and representatives of a rare race of god’s people
So give them the respect they earn. If they were around today;

Would we have the Serbian cruelty, grimness, oppression in Bosnia and Kosovo? Would we not answer the cry of oppressed Muslims all over the world? Would Beautiful Baghdad fall under enemy hands?
Only passport you needed was your hearth to cross the dessert those days..
Today, the land of Ottoman divided to thirty five different states all waiting for the night owl to pick them up one by one.

The Ottoman civilization, art and culture, an integral part of the world cultural heritage,
left behind numerous lasting works. Among these, architectural works have a special
place. Ottoman architecture enjoys an outstanding effective and significant tradition
within the Islamic architecture.
This book has been prepared with a view to promoting the architectural works built,
restored or reconstructed during the Ottoman Empire and which are today, outside the
boundaries of Turkey. We hope that the book will also contribute to the enhancement of the already
existing friendly relations and cooperation between Turkey and the countries which
embrace the Ottoman architectural works on their territories. Our aim is to see that the
Ottoman architectural works, a common heritage of humanity, are preserved in a more
conscious manner.

The book does not include a complete catalogue of all Ottoman architectural works
outside Turkey. Various information compiled have been compared with those in scientific

A large percentage of Ottoman architectural works has not been preserved to our times.
A considerable number have been damaged and demolished during various wars.
Unfortunately, they were consciously demolished after the First World War. At present,
architectural works are being scarified for the urbanistic development of modern cities.
Scholars generally agree that 95 of Ottoman architectural works have been demolished
only in the Balkan countries. A similar case study has not yet been realised for the Middle
Eastern countries. In the last 10-IS years, a certain number of works in the Balkans were
restored and endowed with new functions. In the Middle Eastern countries, some of the
buildings keep their original functions but a larger number have been abandoned and
with time have fallen into ruin.

By Al Boz

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